When you have lost your credit card or debit card, we recommend you immediately contact your bank and have them block your card. This will prevent anyone from using your card to make payments while you wait for your new card to be issued.
Usually, your new card will retain the card number of your previous card. Once you receive your new card, we kindly ask you to contact Holland Casino Online's Servicedesk so that they can update your card’s expiry date. This is to make sure you can keep using your new card to make deposits on our website.
Should your newly issued card have a new card number, you should first add this card to your account in the Deposit menu if you want to keep making deposits with it. You can find this menu by clicking ‘Cashier’ in your account overview and selecting ‘Deposit money’ from the drop-down menu:
This will open the Deposit menu. You can then select ‘Add card’ from the left side of the menu:
You can register up to 10 cards to your account. Have you reached the maximum number of registered cards? Then you will need to remove one or more cards before adding new ones. To remove one or more cards from your account, we ask you to contact our Service desk.